Saturday 14 November 2015

Bigg Boss 9 Kishwer Merchant Eliminated | 14-11-2015 Elimination

Bigg Boss 9 Kishwer Merchant Eliminated | 14-11-2015 Elimination: - "Bigg Boss 9" will witness its 6th end this weekend as one of the designated hopefuls will face "weekend ka vaar" on the week 5 ousting round. A week ago Yuvika Chaudhary got dispensed with, joining the other ousted hopefuls - Ankit Gera, Roopal Tyagi, Arvind Vegda and Vikas Bhalla. Among the six competitors named for the week 5 disposal of "Bigg Boss 9", viewers need Kishwer Merchant to be the following one to go. The six competitors, who were named for the fifth week disposal, are Kishwer Merchant, Aman Verma, Digangana Suryavanshi, Puneet Vashishta, Rimi Sen and Rochelle Maria Rao.

Bigg Boss 9 14-11-2015 Elimination Result

A survey was led asking viewers who they might want to see getting wiped out from "Bigg Boss 9" house on week 5, and the survey result says that viewers need Kishwer Merchant to be out of the appear.

Upwards of 27.5 % voters need Kishwer to be wiped out this weekend, trailed by Aman Verma who got 25 % votes.

Digangana Suryavanshi and Rimi Sen are clearly the most cherished candidates as they got the minimum votes (5 % each).

Who Should Evict Today From BB9 House?

Kishwer as of late had a drop out with Mandana Karimi amid the "Thruway Task". In spite of the fact that the candidates were not permitted to utilize any sort of fluid amid the undertaking, Kishwer and Prince Narula poured water on Mandana amid the errand.

Mandana then kicked Kishwer on the stomach area, which set off a noteworthy fight between the two. While Kishwer requested solid activity against Mandana for kicking her, the recent said that Kishwer choked her amid the undertaking and accordingly she was compelled to battle and kick.

With the "weekend ka vaar" coming soon, the truth will surface eventually if viewers' longing to see Kishwer getting wiped out will be satisfied or she stays in the "Bigg Boss 9" house.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why people are against kishwer and if this voting is genuine tjan i don't think so she should be eliminated she is strong contender and mandana give very lame excuse when it come to doing any task she is always complaining ....and if kishwer get eliminated then i guess everything is already planned in big boss
