Wednesday 20 January 2016

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-101 Day 20th January 2016 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-101 Day 20th January 2016 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-101 Day 20th January 2016 Online Video Download
A winged animal comes in house, Mandana requests that her leave. flying creature goes in vase. Rishab brngs vase in patio nursery, fledgling takes off

Bigg supervisor offers errand to detainees "noiseless disco", in this undertaking, there will be gathering in house in which atleast two prisoners ought to be wearing earphones and moving in patio nursery range till tune plays, then other two will supplant them. Bizzer plays, Task begins Mandana and Keith begins moving.

Melody is as yet playing, Mandana and Keith are moving, Mandana hits on Keith's bum, they move amusingly. Ringer plays, its opportunity to change prisoners. Ruler and Rochelle comes to move.

Ruler and Keith are moving. Yuvika comes in house, all are cheerful. Keith embraces her firmly, Yuvika chuckles. Sovereign embraces her, Rishab embraces her as well. Ruler and Keith are moving, Rishab teases Prince. Yuvika says to Rishab that you played like noble man, i mean you did have battles yet at the same time you acted pleasantly, Rishab says what in regards to Prince? Yuvika says he said that he wll not offer thoughtfulness regarding Nora as he enjoys another person. Signal plays, Rochelle and Mandana goes to move.

Ruler comes to Yuvika and embraces her, Rishab says stay away. Yuvika says to Keith that you are turning out extremely down, under Rochelle's shadow. we have also mentioned about Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-100 Day 19th January 2016 Online Video Download

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Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-101 Day 20th January 2016 Online Video download

Rishab says to Yuvika that i wanna hit the dance floor with you in finale, Yuvika says i will enlighten Prince, he says its not regarding him, i just wanna hit the dance floor with him, individuals are thinking little of me, Keith says in no way such as that. Yuvika says you said that your jaws hurt as i grin so much, he says i said that, additionally i said that i wanna hit the dance floor with you in finale, Yuvika says why Yuvika just? he says it doesnt matter, i need to know you. Keith says Yuvika you are fortunate young lady, two young men behind you, Yuvika says for entertainment only i said that i would date Rishab and wed Prince, she chuckles.

Yuvika inquires as to whether proposing me was a piece of diversion? he says no, Yuvika says why you talked in regards to my crew? there was not at all like that, i require some serious energy to react, Prince says i felt that i possibly compelling you thats why i moved away. Yuvika says then i saw Nora's thing, Prince says Nora welcomed me so much, Yuvika says individuals were asking me what is Prince doing with Nora what not. Ruler says in the event that i had time then we would have discussed us, Yuvika says on the off chance that i had time then i would have reacted to you.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-101 Day 20th January 2016 Online Video Download

Nora says to Rishab that we both weren't right, perhaps as a result of craving, we went over the edge, i am sad for any battle, Rishab says i never remarked in regards to your profession, you called attention to my ability, Rishab says i cannot remark in regards to another person limit when i havent accomplished anything myself.

Yuvika teases Prince that Nora is with Prince. Sovereign says it doesnt matter, in the event that somebody meets me pleasantly then i will else i dont care.

Rishab requests that Nora make's Prince extremely upset, she says he made meextremely upset.

Sovereign says to Nora that i got irate on your conduct when you came in house and disregarded me. Nora says whats happening? you are juggling in the middle of me and Yuvika, its fine with me yet not with individuals, its like you are discussing me one day and discussing Yuvika otherday, i know this is typical feeling however you have clear things. Ruler says i am clear in regards to you, Nora says this is silly, i am not kid. Sovereign says Yuvika is my companion and will remain companion, i preferred her yet simply that, Nora says individuals overstated it.

Watch Live online Bigg Boss 9 Full Episodes Day-101 20 January 2016 double trouble

Gizele comes in house, Rishab embraces her and gives her kiss, she asys you are looking hot in new look. Gizele says Keith is ordinary? he is moving and all, Gizele asks where is all the more gang? Gizele says to Mandana that stand out week is remaining, control yourself.

Gizele says to Yuvika that you were specified in entire season, Yuvika says i preferred it, she inquires as to whether Nora is shaky with your vicinity? he says i dont know, Gizele says Prince must be befuddled, you and Nora are wearing same hues as well.

Nora says i havent confronted such a cumbersome circumstance.

Gizele comes to Mandana and says lets talk, Mandana moves interestingly infront of her, Gizele grins. Bigg supervisor closes quiet disco assignment.

[Day 101] Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-101 Watch live On Colors tv Tasks on January 20th, 2016

Bigg manager says to Nora, Yuvika and Gizele that its great to see you back, we wish them and they can leave now. Gizele says Bigg manager its only four days, let me stay here. Sovereign says to Nora that we will meet outside, Nora inquires as to whether he felt terrible when she was ousted and he proposed her on screen? Sovereign says no, Nora says as we had as of now spoken before about it so i didnt answer there, it was cumbersome, Prince says i simply said my heart, Nora says i thought it was simply amusement, he says no i simply needed let you know what i feel, she says i didnt say i cherish you back, he says i adore you is huge thing to say, Nora says individuals took it far too ahead that i didnt react you back and i jettisoned you, he doesn't say anything like that, Nora embraces him, he gives her kisses on cheeks, Nora, Yuvika and Gizele takes off.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-101 Day 20th January 2016 Online Video Download

Bigg manager requests that detainees choose whose execution was not amusing in quiet disco errand, he or she won't be a piece of Bigg supervisor's 'merry supper'. Mandana says i wanna give Rishab's name as he was not enthralling, Rishab says i wanna give Mandana's name, she halted alot in move. Rochelle says Rishab was occupied by untouchables, Rishab says even Mandana was diverted. Keith says Rochelle and Rishab had same sort of move however Rochelle had more looks on face, Keith says to Rishab that i am sad, Keith says i am stating grieved as you are not tuning in, Rochelle asks Keith give her name in the event that he needs, Keith says no, i know who i need to pick, i need to give your name Rishab.

Ruler gives Mandana's name as she halted in move.

Rishab says they think, i was not exciting, despite everything they belittle me. Sovereign coems there, Rishab says i dont know why Keith dependably take after Rochelle? i feel awful that he demonstrations like puppy, Prince gives him embrace.

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Swaragini 19th January 2016


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