Saturday 9 January 2016

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-90 Day 9th January 2016 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-90 Day 9th January 2016 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-90 Day 9th January 2016 Online Video Download

The great Deewana Mastana melody Head Ya Tail awakens the housemates on Day 89 in the Bigg Boss house. Priya says to Mandana that this melody suggests one needs to go out today, Mandana concurs.

Priya is making parathas, Mandana says you are not making it well, Priya says Keith likes it less sleek, Priya's hair falls on flour, she tosses that side of flour, Mandana says you cannot make prathas, Priya says i have made it before as well, i make it in my style, Mandana says i will make one and will demonstrat to you, Priya says let me make it, Mandana says you are genuine psycho, Priya says i cannot be more pleasant than this to you, dont kick me off, Mandana says i am attempting to help you, your hair fell in flour as well, Priya says i never cook nourishment while my hairs are open, it happened my mix-up, Priya says you can make issue of this as well.

Mandana comes to Keith and says Priya's hairs is falling in flour, Priya says i am not wearing scarf today, i tossed flour in which hair fell, i am sick and as yet making nourishment for all, i am being pleasant to her, i dont wanna battle, on the off chance that she wanna make it then all of you tell who ought to cook, Mandana says i was simply helping her, Keith says i dont have issue with anybody making it, Mandana says i dont wanna cook it, i simply needed to help you, Priya says fine.

Priya tells Rishab that Mandana have concealed flour as she needs to cook for herself, i will warm the previous evening's parathas for you. Rishab comes to Madnana and says why did you cover up flour? you wanna make it for yourself then take flour for your paratha however why did you take entire flour? Mandana says i didn't take entire flour, i took flour for my paratha, Keith inquires as to whether she has taken more flour than required for her paratha? Priya says flour was less and Mandana has taken half from it. They come in kitchen, paratha is being smoldered, Mandana says i cannot eat this, Keith says it got blazed by mix-up, Mandana demonstrates to him flour which she took for her paratha, Keith says i dont wana to discuss sustenance as it looks shoddy, you can take as much as flour i need, Mandana says i dont need Priya to make nourishment for me, Priya says let her be.  we have also mentioned about Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-89 Day 8th January 2016 Online Video Download.

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Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-90 Day 9th January 2016 Online Video download

Priya indicates flour to Keith which Mandana took for her paratha, she says its so much that we can make 5parathas from it, Mandana says i won't utilize it now, why did she touch it? it has gotten to be grimy now, Keith says she has touched it, it doesnt matter, Mandana says i will manipulate more flour for me now, she can utilize the flour which she touched, Priya says on the off chance that you demonstration like this then i wil touch everything of yours, you have eaten sustenance cooked by me, i have touched everything in kitchen, dont use it now.

Keith comes to Kishwar and says it feels like we are school. Mandana says to Rishab that your companion is touching everything in kitchen, Rishab says she is cookign sustenance and you can eat your extravagance nourishment, we eat like this, Priya says she cannot call me untouchable, i have touched everything, Mandana says you can do everything, she moves infront of Priya to tease her, Keith sats you both look like school children.

Rochelle says i cannot survive this disposition, Mandana, Priya and Prince are executing our hunger as well, she asks Mandana she feels she will win by carrying on thusly? mandana says i never begin battle, i simply shield myself, Prince says i never prompt anybody, why you are acquiring me this Rochelle? Kishwar says Mandana and Priya wont win like this, Rochelle says sorry to learn.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-90 Day 9th January 2016 Online Video Download

Bigg manager says to prisoners that we are expanding sum for the person who will squeeze catch now, Bigg Boss builds the offer add up to Rs. 9 Lakhs and diminishes the triumphant prize add up to Rs. 41 Lakhs, additionally prize cash won't be expanded in any capacity now, the much it lessened till now will stay same, cannot be expanded once more. Priya says they can increment till 15lacs most, Mandana says it doesnt matter for the amount of time, they will sit in undertaking, there is one choice that one needs to leave so they need to settle on choice in end, Bigg supervisor additionally reported that prize cash won't be expanded once more, we need to persuade them to leave, Priya says sum matters as well, Rochelle says we cannot request that somebody take 15lacs and offer ticket to finale, Priya says on the off chance that it was Suyyash of Keith in their Place then things would be changed, Mandana says they are companions, they can choose themselves.

Bigg supervisor expands sum to 10lacs, Prince says possibly prize cash will get to be 10lacs like this. Kishwar says i wanna win, i dont wanna go like this, Mandana says you are getting cash and you will offer opportunity to Prince too to win, Kishwar says i dont need cash, Mandana says i will be candid with you, you are assigned, first you will lose cash and furthermore you called Prince your sibling and you are not giving him opportunity to go to finale, Kishwar says there is not ensure that i am leaving on saturday.

Watch Live online Bigg Boss 9 Full Episodes Day-90 9 January 2016 double trouble

Priya says if Kishwar believes that Prince is sufficiently solid to win then Kishwar ought to take cash and leave, Rishab says whats the certification that Prince is going to win, Priya says i likewise think Prince is not going to win, Rishab says all detainees are imagining that undertaking will be disposed of, it doesnt matter to me, i just wanna win appear, Priya says cash matters to me.

Mandana says to Keith that in most pessimistic scenario if Kishwar leaves this week then she will lose cash as well. Rishab says prize cash diminishing doesnt matter to me, Mandana says catch is Kishwar is assigned and can get disposed of, on the off chance that she takes cash and leave then there are chances that her sibling ruler may win the appear, Mandana says for me Prince is solid contender.

Bigg supervisor expands cash to 13lacs and diminish prize cash to 37lacs. Mandana is wiping washroom range and says Bigg manager you ought to declare that Kishwar and Prince need to take choice in 1hour else they are not going to take choice.

Rishab says to Mandana that give him wipe, this is his work, Mandana says let me do it, Rishab says alright wipe it, thank you for doing my work and i will wipe with this mop just, clean it in the wake of cleaning floor, Mandana gets quiet.

[Day 90] Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-90 Watch live On Colors tv Tasks on January 9th, 2016

Rishab comes to Priya and says Mandana is tensed, Priya says she is tensed that prize cash is diminishing as she supposes she is champ, Kishwar says she ought to be last individual to consider prize cash diminishing, she ought to stay in patio nursery in frosty night then she will comprehend, Rochelle says she wanna show like we are simply staying here and not doing any work.

Mandana says in camera that they are all futile, not doing any work.

Rishab requests that Mandana clean his mop, Mandana says i wont clean it, Rishab says then i won't clean washroom are, Mandana says i have done kitchen work as well, you cannot clean a mop? Rishab says wiping wasnt your work, Mandana says you think you are going to win show like this? Rishab says why should you tell this, go and wash mop, dont converse with me, you are so imbecilic, Mandana says you are savvy, that is sufficient, i dont work for you, Rishab says clean my mop, Mandana inquires as to whether its his mop? Rishab requests that her perfect his mop, who requesting that you do my work? he requests that Prince advise her to clean wipe, Prince says you utilize other mop, Rishab says i cannot utilize it, Prince says you bring mop here, i will clean it, Priya giggles, Rishab says why did she done my work? he says to Mandana that she couldnt do any work in 13weeks, what will she do now, Mandana says you are blazing, Bigg supervisor open fumes, Rishab says atleast dont utilize my words, do come in finale to applaud me, let me approach vote in favor of you, he serenades vote in favor of Mandana chor(robber).

Priya says to Mandana that my hairs are normally tied, it was open today and you made issue, Mandana says i saw your hairs in kitchen prior as well, Mandana says the thing was that your hair was going in flour, thats why i asked you let me help you, Priya says i comprehend your expectation wasnt wrong however it was activity response.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-90 Day 9th January 2016 Online Video Download

Bigg Boss expands the offer add up to Rs. 15 Lakhs and diminishes the triumphant prize add up to Rs. 35 Lakhs, Bigg supervisor says this is last offer made, Bigg manager says to detainees that there will be no adjustment in alternatives of this undertaking, implies one from Kishwar or Prince needs to leave with cash and one will get ticket to finale, Kishwar and Prince need to choose who will take cash and who will get ticket to finale, you both have one hour to choose what you wanna do furthermore you both ought to choose it, nobody else ought to motivate opportunity to take this risk, Prince requests that prisoners let only them, Priya embraces Kishwar and says you will acknowledge later that it was beneficial for you to take this choice, All housemates embraces Prince and Kishwar, detainees allow them to sit unbothered.

Mandana says to Keith that this brilliant open door for Kishwar, this circumstance is candidly depleting for them, i comprehend this circumstance.

Ruler says to Kishwar that i wanna make my guardians see finale stage. Kishwar says even i guaranteed Suyyash to win this appear. she says young ladies have less rivalry, Mandana, Rochelle and Priya are not contenders for winning, Prince says Keith is my rival, however i have fan taking after, Kishwar says everybody has that.

Keith says to Rochelle that Prince have fan taking after, Rochelle says Kishwar doesnt wanna go out by any means, Priya says in the end she will go, envision Kishwar coming next in end, she will get only now she is getting 15lacs.

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