Monday 11 January 2016

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-92 Day 11th January 2016 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-92 Day 11th January 2016 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-92 Day 11th January 2016 Online Video Download

Mandana says to Priya that i didnt know really about your shawl, i didnt cover it, Priya says anyway you saw where it was concealed yet you didnt let me think about it, and you are lying even now, Mandana says i came to say sorry yet you are showing perspective, Priya says you can't deceive me again and again. Mandana comes to Rishab and says i am endeavoring to banter with Priya yet she is not chatting with me, whats your issue with me? you said sorry to learn for your behavior and now doing same afresh, you are not using your mind, you change sides, Rishab says you do that, you use me, Kishwar, Rochelle, anyone for your leeway, you have done family relationships for point of preference, you are hoodlum, Mandana says you are canine, you dont have brains, you are moronic, you are wannabe, Rishab says you are taking things from youth, she gets out.

Mandana says to Priya that i didnt know really about your shawl, i didnt cover it, Priya says anyway you saw where it was concealed yet you didnt let me think about it, and you are lying even now, Mandana says i came to say sorry yet you are demonstrating perspective, Priya says you can't deceive me again and again. Mandana comes to Rishab and says i am endeavoring to banter with Priya yet she is not chatting with me, whats your issue with me? you said sorry to learn for your behavior and now doing same yet again, you are not using your mind, you change sides, Rishab says you do that, you use me, Kishwar, Rochelle, anyone for your leverage, you have done family relationships for point of preference, you are criminal, Mandana says you are canine, you dont have brains, you are bonehead, you are wannabe, Rishab says you are taking things from youth, she gets out. we have also mentioned about Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-91 Day 11th January 2016 Online Video Download.

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Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-92 Day 11th January 2016 Online Video download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-92 Day 11th January 2016 Online Video Download

Bigg Boss proclaims the first errand of the Road to Finale' week, all detainees are given holders overflowing with 400 kgs of sand each, they have to keep sand from tumbling off the compartment and save till the end of the endeavor. The housemates are allowed to strike others and carry out sand with the help of a lever put at the base of the compartment or by diverse means. The three housemates who will have most number of sand left in their holders before the end of the endeavor will move to the accompanying level of the diversion, there is red engraving close end of compartment, if sand gets less then the red engraving in holder then that detainee will be blocked from task. Keith is chosen to for whole season so he wont be joining in task and he will be chairman of undertaking, if some person breaks drives then he can take out as much as much he needs out from holder.
Keith says sorry to learn, Rochelle says you trusted that i will pass comments on some person's group? Keith says i thought you talked in regards to it, Rochelle says that infers you think about people? keith says i wasn't correct, i am tragic, i won't shout at you, he grasps her. Priya says to Prince that if you think i am clashing with principles then here is my stuff, take my make up also and place me in store room too and if thats lacking then put me too there, Rishab ask Priya to not explode, Priya says Prince is continually inclination when he gets the opportunity to be boss, she deserts her rigging there.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-92 Day 11th January 2016 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-92 Day 11th January 2016 Online Video Download

Bigg Boss reports the first task of the Road to Finale' week, all detainees are outfitted with holders stacked with 400 kgs of sand each, they have to keep sand from tumbling off the compartment and save till the end of the errand. The housemates are allowed to ambush others and carry out sand with the help of a lever put at the base of the holder or by distinctive means. The three housemates who will have most number of sand left in their compartments before the end of the errand will move to the accompanying level of the diversion, there is red engraving close end of holder, if sand gets less then the red engraving in compartment then that prisoner will be barred from undertaking. Keith is named to for whole season so he wont be joining in errand and he will be executive of undertaking, if some person breaks regulates then he can take out as much as much he needs out from holder.

Mandana cries, Kishwar ask what was the arrangement? Mandana i am depleted here, people examine my life, my family and my lover, i dont say that its set in stone anyway i was clear i clear from start of show to not procure singular life fights, same thing happened with Nora with that zero comment, Rishab says i called myself zero, Mandana says i am not talking as to you, in case you dont wanna listen then go out, Rishab says why would it be a good idea for you to tell me this? Mandana says you are expressing same crap as Priya, Rishab says you are poo, Rochelle sys Rishab what's going on with you? cant you see she is crying? Rishab says fine, Mandana says i am sick of people, for example, Priya, Rishab and this house, Rishab says it doesnt matter to me, Mandana says they hurt alot, Rochelle says to Rishab that you are carrying on shocking, he says OK, Mandana says rishab is animal, Kishwar says you called us animal also, Mandana says as much what? around then, i thought you people are animals now i think Priya is animal.

Watch Live online Bigg Boss 9 Full Episodes Day-92 11 January 2016 double trouble

Rochelle says to prisoners that we can make deal too that we can attack one detainee like Mandana, Rishab says lovely thought, Rochelle goes to Mandana's compartment, Rishab hurls out sand from her holder, Priya says we can ambush one prisoner, Kishwar says when we didnt allot her then you had issue, now when we are striking her, you have issue with that too? Mandana goes to Rishab's compartment, Rishab relinquishes her holder. Rishab ask in the matter of whether she needs then she can't take out sand from his holder, we should target weak individual, Priya says your thought should be towards saving your sand. Risbab and Rochelle tries to take out sand from Mandana's compartment, Mandana goes to Rochelle's holder and breaks her holder's lever, Rishab says i wont relinquish you Mandana. Keith takes out sand from Mandana's compartment as she talks in english.

Rishab says to Priya that why she is not clashing with Mandana? she had covered your mate's shawl, i can't recognize this savage behavior. Rochelle says Mandana have broken my compartment's lever, so i am asking for that everyone break hers too, Mandana says they say that i am not contention yet rather they are attacking me most, Kishwar says you dont ought to be in this house thats why we require you to go out.

[Day 92] Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-92 Watch live On Colors tv Tasks on January 11th, 2016

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-92 Day 11th January 2016 Online Video Download

Sovereign says to detainees that i am going to guarantee Mandana's compartment while she will attack Priya's holder, Rishab says i will stop Mandana, Priya says yet you can't struggle with Prince? you can stop me rom attacking Prince however cant stop him? Rishab says i helped you also, dont put deficiency on me, Mandana gets some data about Rishab? Ruler says Rishab won't come inbetween, i listened to him and didnt attack Priya so he won't come in my course of action, Priya says you for the most part convince Rishab. Mandana races to Priya and opens her compartment's lever, Rochelle asks for that her break it. Priya goes to Kishwar's holder and tries to take out sand, Rishab tries to secure Priya's sand, Mandana says you can't play alone. Sovereign asks for that Mandana break Priya's lever, i will guarantee your sand, Priya says to Prince that you can't play alone, you can't do, PRECAP,, Mandana goes to Priya's holder and opens lever while Prince doesnt grant Priya to take out sand from Mandana's compartment.

Rishab comes to Priya and says Mandana called us animals, i was laughing on her, Priya ask who was with her? Rishab says Rochelle and Kishwar, Priya says nor i am stunned neither hurt, Rishab says its to bolster us just, Priya says let them play. Mandana says to Kishwar that did you see Rishab? Kishwar says dont get impacted by his words, its his style to scrape others, dont give him thought, Rochelle says he is fake, he tries to be someone who he is unquestionably not.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-92 Day 11th January 2016 Online Video Download

Priya comes to Rochelle and hurls out sand from Rochelle's compartment, Rochelle says i can't leave lever from base as its broken, she tries to guarantee her holder, she asks for that Prince offer, Prince some help with coming to help yet leave, Rochelle moves her leg in air to secure against Priya, Mandana ask Rochelle careful and dont get physical. Rochelle puts hand on lever, Priya tries to push her hand, Rochelle says i never got physical with you then why you are doing accordingly? Rochelle asks for that Rishab see his buddy. Sovereign asks for that Mandana move Priya a long way from Rochelle's holder, Mandana pushes box away on which Priya is standing.

Mandana cries, Kishwar ask what was the arrangement? Mandana i am depleted here, people examine my life, my family and my playmate, i dont say that its set in stone anyway i was clear i clear from start of show to not get singular life fights, same thing happened with Nora with that zero comment, Rishab says i called myself zero, Mandana says i am not talking as to you, if you dont wanna listen then go out, Rishab says why would it be a good idea for you to tell me this? Mandana says you are expressing same crap as Priya, Rishab says you are poo, Rochelle sys Rishab what's occurring with you? cant you see she is crying? Rishab says fine, Mandana says i am burnt out on people, for example, Priya, Rishab and this house, Rishab says it doesnt matter to me, Mandana says they hurt alot, Rochelle says to Rishab that you are carrying on awful, he says OK, Mandana says rishab is animal, Kishwar says you called us animal also, Mandana says as much what? around then, i thought you people are animals now i think Priya is animal

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Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-92 Day 11th January 2016 Online Video Download

PRIYA: she relegates KISHWAR, and says she is my restriction, she considers second determination, Kishwar says you are assuming whom to pick? (demonstrating at Mandana), Priya says i am allocating ROCHELLE, she juggle between people, for example, football, Mandana calls her psycho, she sings insignificant, fat psycho, Kishwar laughs at Mandana's shenanigans. KEITH: he names PRIYA and says she said as much beautiful things to Priya moreover she is my restriction. He allots KISHWAR and says she has given me assignment trophy so now giving her backing back. Sovereign: Prince says to Priya i have recorded your name upside like your mind is upside down, you endeavor to incorporate into all matters which is not right, you endeavor to make game plans and get got in it just, he names PRIYA, Rishab says it doesnt matter, Kishwar says it is vital to you most thats why keep saying doesnt matter to you, Rishab says OK close relative, Kishwar says okay grandpa. Sovereign names RISHAB and says one and no one but lion can make due in wild and he acts like kid by wearing savage's top. Bigg manager says KEITH, RISHAB, PRIYA, ROCHELLE and KISHWAR, are assigned amid the present week.

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