Thursday 14 January 2016

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-95 Day 14th January 2016 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-95 Day 14th January 2016 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-95 Day 14th January 2016 Online Video Download

prisoners wake up to melody mera naam lakhan, Imam is resting in sky lounge in patio nursery, detainees wake up and move, Keith and Rochelle embraces. Mandana and Imam moves.

Mandana says to Imam that i cannot acknowledge your offer, i have come to till this stage alone so i dont wanna utilize and toss anybody for my advantage, Imam says incredible, i simply needed to check whether you are genuine or can toss anybody under transport to win, you did great, he embraces her.

Priya says to Imam that you hided my garments? Imam says possibly another person have shrouded your garments, Priya says i just wanna let you know that i am fine without my that dress, Imam says dont let me know this, Priya says you can do anything to incite us, Imam says there may be somebody who needs to make contentions between us thats why he is doing it, play astutely.

Imam gives Rishab assignment to discover Priya's garments, Prince snickers and says Imam you have done it, Imam says i am chuckling in light of the fact that he is imbecile who has done it, Rishab goes to discover it, Imam says perhaps i may have given somebody concealed undertaking to shroud her garments so you need to discover who did that.

Rishab comes in washroom zone and discovers Priya's garments.

Imam says to Priya that i wanna make individuals see new Priya, in new haricut and all, Rishab brings her garments, Imam asks who could have done it? Rishab says possibly Prince, Imam says you can go, we are talking, Priya expresses gratitude toward him, Rishab takes off.

Rishab asks Mandana who conceal Priya's garments? Mandana says i dont know, Rishab says possibly Prince. we have also mentioned about Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-93 Day 13th January 2016 Online Video Download.

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Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-95 Day 14th January 2016 Online Video download

Mandana says to Rishab that why might Prince conceal it? he is not named, Rishab says he can do it for diversion, Mandana says you are not understanding my point, you are noting something else, Rishab says ask me, i will let you know, Mandana says i dont wanna converse with you, go, Rishab says dont bootlick me, you can do it with other individuals however not me.

Mandana says to Prince that i was asking straightforward inquiry to Rishab that you are now in finale and why might you isn't that right? Rishab is similar to you can do it for amusement, Rishab comes there, Mandana says Rishab is a lot in diversion, Rishab eats sustenance from kitchen, Mandana requests that he get lost, Rishab moves and says i am going, Mandana says get lost, Mandana leaves making nourishment and says i won't make it, she leaves, Prince says it was her obligation, she cleared out.

Mandana comes Imam and says Prince and Rishab are such a great amount of inquisitive about you that why you came here what not.

Rishab says Mandana is so much buttering Imam that she will fall level.

Mandana says Rishab have manhandled my dad, my family, my boufriend, Imam says i know the amount Rishab can stoop low.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-95 Day 15th January 2016 Online Video Download

Undertaking is given to individuals, errand name is 'overlook imam', Imam will do things to chafe prisoners and get response out of them, he can do anything to stand out enough to be noticed however in the event that detainees give him response then they will be out of amusement, Imam tries to converse with detainees yet they leave, Imam says diversion has begun now.

Priya says to Keith and Rochelle that its truly hard to overlook Imam however we stay together then we will be capable maintain a strategic distance from him more.

Imam tries to tease Mandana who is lying so as to wash dishes on stage yet she doesnt take a gander at him.

Sovereign says to Priya that BB9 detainees are in front of everybody, Imam says in the event that you individuals were then we wouldnt have been gotten? Ruler says to Priya that i was talking as we are most recent challengers. Imam says young ladies get along in this house however Prince is sluggish, jerk and absolutely futile individual, he is cheap to the point that he utilized his sister to excel in amusement, Kishwar did her obligation as sister yet i wish in the event that she can pardon him yet Prince even utilized his relations, Imam puts couch close room entryway, Rishab comes there and says i am not ready to go inside, he requests that Prince help him, Prince slips couch on which Imam was sitting, Imam stand up, Prince opens entryway, Imam says he is getting physical, it used to happen in BB6 as well.

Watch Live online Bigg Boss 9 Full Episodes Day-95 15 January 2016 double trouble

Sovereign says in camera that a debt of gratitude is in order for acquiring excitement house, Imam sit close room entryway and puts couch, bag close it with the goal that they cannot come in, Prince tries to move him, Imam sings ballads amusingly, he says Prince is getting physical once more, Prince makes him move and go inside room, he begins taking Imam's thing, Imam says on the off chance that i am imperceptible then why is he taking my things? Imam sit inbetween room entryway, Prince tries to move him, Imam says you wanna get physical? lets play now, he pushes Prince aside, Keith takes a gander at him, Imam says i got response from Keith Bigg supervisor. Keith puts imam's things in store room.

Mandana asks Keith to not take his things till Bigg manager's requests, i dont like it.

Rishab is utilizing Imam's stuff, Imam comes there and says its not identified with errand but rather i for one dont like somebody utilizing my stuff, give it back to me else i will vomit on you, i am stating genuine, i wont care, i will upchuck on you, Rishab doesnt move, Imam says fine, Imam comes in kitchen region, puts milk boxes ,,in bag, he comes in greenery enclosure and tosses bag in pool.

imam puts seats, table close living region entryway and doesnt permit Rishab to come in, Imam says in the event that somebody tries to disturb me then i will treat them like canines, Prince and Rishab tries to move seats, Imam says they are getting physical with me, they have been savage entire season, i am playing wisely yet they simply cant shrewd, Rishab tries to come in living territory yet Imam stops him and yells to not get physical with me, Rishab approaches Priya to make tea for him, Priya says i will make it for you, Imam yells on Rishab that i will beat crap out of you, Rishab overlooks Imam and converses with Priya, Imam says nothing can be a larger number of unsafe than me, Priya brings nourishment for Rishab, imam obstructs her direction, Priya pushes plate outside living range, Imam says they are affronting sustenance, getting physical with me so i am abhorring this undertaking.

[Day 95] Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-95 Watch live On Colors tv Tasks on January 14th, 2016

Imam tosses potatoes on Priya who is working in kitchen, she doesnt respond, Imam says i indicated mankind, now i will demonstrate creature conduct, he pours cream on her hairs, Imam says they have done it all in undertakings, now i am giving them back to what they did, he asks Bigg manager who blew stew in different eyes? he brings bean stew, and comes to Rochelle, Priya says to Rochelle that you know contemplation? Rochelle says yes, Imam is going to blow stew in her eyes, Rochelle calls Keith yet Rishab comes and takes Rochelle from Imam, Rishab begins returning potatoes in crate, Imam says when i am not present here then why he is lifting it up? they dont know how to play undertaking.

Imam says to Keith and Rochelle that come inside parlor else i will be awful with you.

Imam mimics Prince that i can do anything for errand, i am diverse in assignment, Prince applauds, Imam says do applaud, perhaps you will discover some work like this, this is just work you can get.

Ruler is wearing shoes and sitting on couch, imam says put shoes down, i am OCD, i won't give you a chance to put shoes on couch, Prince says i will do it, what will you do? imam says dont give me response, imam acts like blowing stew in Priya's face however doesnt, Priya flickers, Imam says i got her response. Imam says Bigg manager i will smack Prince's face, instruct him to carry on.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-95 Day 14th January 2016 Online Video Download

Bigg manager says 'disregard Imam' errand is done, Imam has shoe in his grasp and says they finished assignment as they was already aware i would toss shoe all over. Ruler says this is not BB6 that we fear Imam, dont speak shabby about me, Imam applauds and says you are eunuch, Prince says they are human as well, Imam says i know, Prince says you possibly imam in your home, imam says dont upset me, Prince sits on couch with shoes, Imam says i will test him in assignments, Prince says you can as much as you need however you have my triumph in your grasp, Imam says even you have your triumph in your grasp., your triumph is damned, Prince raps melody, Imam yells you are damned, damned, Prince leaves, Imam says he lost opportunity to win appear, Rishab says this is in God's grasp, Imam says i know you are talking as companion yet i have an issue, a clinical issue yet he is alienating me utilizing shoes on couch, as a companion i am instructing you to not put shoes on couch as i have issue, i could have done anything in errand, i could have utilized bean stew, shoes yet i didnt, i didnt do anything, Rochelle says Imam i wanna say that you didnt do anything awful, Imam embraces her, Priya tries to converse with Imam yet Imam overlooks her, Rochelle asks Imam to not bar Prince, Imam says to Rochelle this is my arrangement, let me play with Prince, let me make him figure out how it feels to be cornered as he has constantly played in gathering, Priya says you were avoided in your season and now you are doing same with Prince? this is bad, you did great in errand, Prince all are human here, Priya says you did assignment well however after that whatever you said, disgrace on you, Imam says disgrace on you, Priya says you did undertaking admirably, Imam says i am testing all of you to hold up under me, Prince says amusement is one, Priya says comply, comply, comply, she tries to bother Imam, Imam says she footage ruler, what she imagines that i will give her footage.

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