Sunday 17 January 2016

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Semi Finale Full Episode-98 Day 17th January 2016 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Semi Finale Full Episode-98 Day 17th January 2016 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Semi Finale Full Episode-98 Day 17th January 2016 Online Video Download

Bigg Boss 9 sixteenth January 2016 scene begins with Akshay Kumar and Nimrit Kaur leaves helicopter.

Salman goes ahead stage and invites everybody in Bigg supervisor. Salman says Akshay has arrived here, he will come here in at some point. He says this will be last of this season, next saturday will be stupendous Finale so today is semifinale. But Prince, all were named in this week, Imam came in house this week, he offered undertakings to prisoners, his errands is appeared. Salman says he picked Priya as finalist however she will get to be finalist on the off chance that she is spared today from disposals, today we will kill one candidate and we will get main 5, lets see what Akshay and Nimrat are doing house. we have also mentioned about Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-97 Day 16th January 2016 Online Video Download.

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Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-98 Day 17th January 2016 Online Video download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Semi Finale Full Episode-98 Day 17th January 2016 Online Video Download

In house, Akshay and Nimrat comes in house, they meet everybody, all are eager to see them. Akshay says gives up in patio nursery region. All come in greenery enclosure territory. Akhshay says we have come here to advance Airlift, Mandana says we wont have the capacity to see it, Akshay says our film is genuine story, its about sparing individuals' life, when Sadam Hussain assaulted, our Indian pilots went and spared individuals, it was greatest salvage mission that Indian pilots did, all applaud, Akshay says young men will save young ladies today, he says Imam Sir.. Imam says dont call me Sir, you and me were class colleagues, Akshay says you were higher ranking than me, all chuckle, Imam says we were class colleagues, Akshay says then he fizzled and i went out, all giggle. Akshay says young ladies will be bound, he requests that they go in various corners. There are obstacles in patio nursery region, He says to Keith that you need to hop in water, take out key then save young ladies by opening their binds and passing obstacles, we will note time of all young men saving young ladies. Mandana says Prince offer me, some assistance with helping me.

In the first place Keith begins undertaking, he hops in pool, Rochelle says spare me Keith

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-98 Day 17th January 2016 Online Video Download

Keith brings out key from pool and safeguards Priya, he experiences from obstacles, climbs stairs and salvages Rochelle then he pass obstacles, Mandana says spare me Keith, spare me, Keith salvages Mandana, Akshay says he took 2.45minutes.

Its Rishab's turn, Rishab pass obstacles, Priya demonstrates to him key in pool, Rishab hops and tries to discover key, he doesnt, Rishab says i will protect Priya later, Priya giggles and says i knew this day will come. Rishab spares Rochelle, Priya says you didnt comprehend assignment Rishab, Rishab salvages Mandana, Akshay says Priya was eaten by birds, all chuckle, Keith says see Priya your companion didnt spare you, Akshay says he took 3minutes.

Presently Prince's turns, Prince salvages Rochelle to start with, he runs quick, Akshay says he is doign truly well, all applaud him, Prince spares Mandana, he removes his shirt, tries to discover key, he discovers Key and saves Priya, Akshay says he took 2minutes, all compliment Prince for winning undertaking.

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Watch Bigg Boss 9 Semi Finale Full Episode-98 Day 17th January 2016 Online Video Download

Nimrat says all of you are playing truly well, nowadays are not going to rebound so appreciate here, she says i need young lady to win, Akshay asks prisoners whom they need to win from young ladies or young men? Rishab says i need kid to win, Prince says i need young lady to win, Keith says young lady, Rochelle says young lady, Priya says young lady, Akshay wishes them good fortune, Akshay says people melody will play now, they all do couple move. Rishab hits the dance floor with Nimrat, Akshay hits the dance floor with Mandana, Rochelle with Keith, Priya with Imam, they change accomplices, Rishab now hits the dance floor with Mandana, Prince with Nimrat, Priya with Akshay.

Akshay sends Imam to store room. Rochelle says to Akshay that you are mother's most loved performer, she will be glad that i hit the dance floor with you. Imam brings Prince's blessing, Akshay brings selfie with everybody, they begin leaving, Akshay says who wanna come, can turn out with me, they say no, Akshay and Nimrat takes off.

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Mandana comes to Imam and says what were you saying in regards to my film? Imam says i didnt talk in regards to you, he takes her aside and says dont give me that state of mind, Imam says you didnt comprehend my point, Mandana says i conversed with Keith, i thought about it literally as you discussed my film, Imam says you dont know in regards to Indian society, Mandana says i am talking in regards to my motion picture, Imam says you are not listening to me, i dont wanna converse with you, i was not conversing with you, Mandana says its my motion picture, i adore my work, Imam says you ought to be, Mandana says you are not detainee, why you are passing individual remarks? Imam says i am viewer, i can remark about motion picture, Mandana says yet i will voice my supposition, this film is my work, i am pleased with what i have done, Imam takes off.

Rochelle says to Keith this is issue, on the off chance that you are offering admiration to somebody and he is not appreciative, Imam is passing individual remarks since morning.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-98 Day 17th January 2016 Online Video Download

am says to Priya that i was giving illustration of Kya Kool hain murmur and fortuitously its Mandana's film, Mandan says incidental truly? Imam says till i am here, there will be more co occurrences, control yourself, he says to Priya that before she takes it to support her, i never said it is against indian society, it doesnt compliment indian society, time out Mandana, Imam says you know i am sent as challenger since they know you wont coexist well with me, you dont have IQ thats why i needed to come here, there is still time left so control yourself, mandana says thank you for kind exhortation, cut finishes.

Call is joined with house, Mandana says why Imam remarked in regards to my film then he said that my IQ is low thats why he came in house, Imam says i didnt intend to hurt her, i didnt focus on that motion picture, i was simply giving sample and she ought to be expressing gratitude toward me that i did reputation of her motion picture, Salman says she knows this is great exposure. Salman says Imam picked both special cases as finalists, did you think that its uncalled for? Mandana says i felt that Priya came in center of appear, she got popular, she buckled down so she merits this however i was amazed with Rishab's name, i wasnt astonished that he didnt take my name, its reasonable choice on his part, Salman inquires as to whether you needed to give two names then who it would be? Mandana says Priya and Keith.

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Salman says snapdeal guest will call now, Salman requests that Keith rehash it, Keith rehashes, Salman says atleast you said something, Salman says you have turned out to be so noiseless in three months, what will transpire for entire life? all chuckle. Call is joined with guest, guest says i have question for Rochelle, she says to Rochelle that when Bigg manager requested that detainees choose one finalist, all gave Priya's name yet you were not content with it and didnt vote in favor of her, you needed to bolster Rishab, Rochelle says yes, i needed to concur that Priya merits it yet i jump at the chance to bolster underdogs, Salman says Rishab she is calling you pooch, all chuckle, Rochelle says Rishab has seen negative remarks about himself yet at the same time he is sure and still imagines that he can win so i needed to bolster him, guest says i trust Rochelle wins appear, Rochelle expresses gratitude toward her and signs mug for her, guest says love you Salman, Salman says love you as well, all giggle, call closes, Salman is astounded that he said i adore you as well, Salman says i dont say it.

Mandana inquires as to whether her motion picture is discharged? Salman says its discharged and a major fiasco, you will be stuck in an unfortunate situation, you may need to leave nation, all giggle, Salman says i am not kidding in regards to it.

Salman inquires as to whether she thought prisoners will make her first finalist? Priya says i never thought, Rishab has great comparison with everybody and deliberately i thought they would not take my name but rather they did and i am grateful, Salman says we feel it was pleasant choice, all applaud Priya, Priya says thanks to them, Salman closes call.

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Naagin 16th January 2016


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