Tuesday 29 December 2015

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-79 29th December 2015 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-79 29th December 2015 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-79 29th December 2015 Online Video Download

Suyyash says guidelines are breaking, Priya and Mandana have broken numerous tenets, would we be able to make a move? Sovereign says we ought to give them greatest family tasks, .dont take individual things as they rebound after at some point, Rochelle says yet Mandana needs to clean garden as of now, Mandana says in the event that i need to clean garden then Suyyash need to take disciplines and Kishwar need to end up my own hireling, Rochelle says Kishwar dont wanna do it, Prince says all of you need to do those disciplines which you got in amusement yesterday, its from Bigg manager, Mandana says i won't do it as well, Kishwar says i won't turn into her worker, imagine a scenario where she slaps me then. Mandana says entertaining, Rochelle says to Mandana that i will slap you then you call it clever, Mandana says slap me, Kishwar says she needs others to do it, Mandana says on the off chance that i am brutal then they wont permit me to stay here, Kishwar says 8people aren't right, just Mandana is correct, Rochelle says we ought to begin tossing things at her as well, Suyyash says as chief i will take discipline and will rebuff different prisoners too to break rules, Priya says yet the explanation for this was we ought not break rules else you will get rebuffed, Rochelle says dont take others discipline however sit tight for this principle to get over then you can rebuff different detainees for breaking rules.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-79 29th December 2015 Online Video download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-79 29th December 2015 Online Video Download

Priya comes to Mandana and insults her that heartbroken i am annoying to the point that you need to do all that with me to show me lesson, i will continue irritating you, Mandana leaves from that point, Priya goes behind her in washroom. Mandana tries to go in washroom, Priya goes in washroom, Mandana switches off lights, Priya turns out and says when Rishab exchanged off lights when you were in washroom, i exchanged it on back, Mandana says it was Gizele not you, bigg supervisor request that Mandana wear her mike, she wears it, Mandana says i just came to take paper, Priya says you are breaking rules, suyyash comes and ask what was the deal? Priya says Suyyash she is exchanging off lights, Suyyash request that Priya go in washroom, i am here, she goes in, Mandana says to suyyash that she was tailing me and went inside washroom rather than me.

Priya says to suyyash that Mandana broke two guidelines, Rochelle says suyyash ought to do push ups, Priya says why is Rochelle choosing his discipline? Kishwar says why you individuals are breaking rules after principles? Rochelle says i was simply recommending disciplines, Prince says she is prisoner of house so she can propose disciplines, Priya talks in english, Prince says whats your issue, why you are battling with everybody? we didnt listen Bigg supervisor's declaration that Mandana ought to wear mike, Priya says i listened it, in the event that you dont wanna listen then leave, she leaves from that point.

In kitchen, suyyash says to Priya that we didnt listen bigg manager asking Mandana wear mike, Priya says you were not there, i was, Mandana comes and denies it, Keith says i was in other washroom and i didnt listen it as well.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-79 29th December 2015 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-79 29th December 2015 Online Video Download

Mandana converses with Prince and says Priya is extremely irritating, Prince says i concur, she is irritating yet what you did the previous evening was bad, i cannot say it was roughness as i wasnt there, Mandana says lets hold up to inquire as to whether i was savage or not but rather i dont think i was, better believe it i wasn't right.

Priya is in admission room, Bigg supervisor ask whats the matter? Priya says i would not say Mandana has harmed me and she was rough past breaking points however her conduct was brutal, it didnt hit me yet at the same time not great, Bigg manager says we dont feel Mandana was fierce, you prisoners can talk and tackle this issue, Priya says then i will proceed with my conduct with her yet won't go past point.

Mandana is in admission room, Mandana says to Bigg manager that what i did wasn't right with Priya however not roughness, bigg supervisor says as you most likely are aware you did wrong, you ought to control you outrage when others incite you, Mandana says Suyyash has taken my pack, i dont think he can do this at commander, Bigg manager says this is in the middle of you and Suyyash, you ought to converse with him.

Bigg Boss 9 Double trouble Full Episode-79 Online video 29th dec 2015 Download

Mandana converses with Prince and says Priya is extremely irritating, Prince says i concur, she is irritating yet what you did the previous evening was bad, i cannot say it was roughness as i wasnt there, Mandana says lets hold up to inquire as to whether i was savage or not but rather i dont think i was, better believe it i wasn't right.

Priya is in admission room, Bigg supervisor ask whats the matter? Priya says i would not say Mandana has harmed me and she was rough past breaking points however her conduct was brutal, it didnt hit me yet at the same time not great, Bigg manager says we dont feel Mandana was fierce, you prisoners can talk and tackle this issue, Priya says then i will proceed with my conduct with her yet won't go past point.

Mandana is in admission room, Mandana says to Bigg manager that what i did wasn't right with Priya however not roughness, bigg supervisor says as you most likely are aware you did wrong, you ought to control you outrage when others incite you, Mandana says Suyyash has taken my pack, i dont think he can do this at commander, Bigg manager says this is in the middle of you and Suyyash, you ought to converse with him.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-79 29th December 2015 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-79 29th December 2015 Online Video Download

Kishwar says to Prince that now nobody will prevent anybody from doing incorrectly, it will be settled on saturday right? Sovereign says when Mandana was physical with you, Salman asked us why should we choose if that was physical or not? Kishwar says i dont know why you are doing this? why you are saying Salman ought to choose in regards to it? it is today's matter and ought to be taken care of today just, Prince says i told Mandana that she isn't right, and i as individual can recommend Suyyash to give her sack, Kishwar says you said that you and Suyyash thinks to give her pack back, Nora says you impacted suyyash, Prince says i just offered supposition to Suyyash like others, Suyyash says Mandana let me know everything what happened in admission room so i thought to give it back.

Rishab says to himself that Prince is impacting suyyash, he wont win by taking side of wrong individual.

Keith says Mandana has understood that she has done mix-up and she will converse with Priya so we ought to give her sack, Suyyash says i am not with Mandana but rather there is no surety that on the off chance that we dont give her pack then she will correct her misstep, Priya says i concur with you yet in the event that you realized that individual would amend botch then you wouldnt have taken his or her sack, Mandana shouldnt given sack. Priya comes to Mandana and says you surmise that we ought to sit tight till saturday for Salman to choose you are correct or off-base? Mandana says no, i know i did wrong, yet i wasnt savage, Priya says however you are not sorry for that? you are unthinkable.

Rishab says to Kishwar that Mandana has done masterstroke, she said a week ago that she needs to be in great books of Mandana so she will utilize him and now she is doing it, Kishwar says she i conversing with Prince constantly.

Watch Live online Bigg Boss 9 Full Episodes Day-79 29 December 2015 double trouble

Mandana says to Rochelle that bigg manager said it was not brutality even in Kishwar's kick disaster, Rochelle says you are incorrect Mandana, Keith converses with Mandana, Rochelle says Keith you are empowering her, Keith gets furious and yells on Rochelle that i am empowering her? i am the person who is remaining against her, Mandana says he isnt empowering me, Rochelle says giving back her pack is support just, Prince comes there and says to Keith that i am sad, Prince says to Rochelle that they all are supposing incorrectly, Keith says to Rochelle that you dont have brains to utilize, Rochelle says Mandana is as yet saying that she didnt do savagery in kick disaster and in phantom undertaking thats why we didnt come in that disaster and Salman chose saturday that it was viciousness, Prince says when Kishwar was kicked you didnt say that it was roughness, you didnt stand against Mandana, Mandana says precisely, Prince says you said that you dont think it was breaking rules, Rochelle says i said that i didnt see Mandana kicking or pushing Kishwar, Prince says in christmas amusement you said that regardless of the fact that Mandana is bad, we ought to do great with her to change her then why should you condemn now? everybody has supposition, Mandana wasn't right and she isn't right, Priya is not wrong, Keith says i was initial one to denounce herRochelle says i am talking in regards to her disposition, Prince says we are as yet saying that she isn't right, Keith says i am not enthralling her, Mandana says Bigg supervisor said that its in the middle of Suyyash and Me then why all detainees are talking in it? suyyash says however i took choice of not giving you sack in the wake of conversing with all detainees so i will give you packs back in the wake of conversing with them, Mandana says yet you took choice just, Suyyash says no when i saw entire house against you so i took choice seeing them, now i wont give you packs till i dont make them concur, Mandana says then keep it, she strolls off, Kishwar inquire as to whether he saw her mentality now? suyyash says to Mandana much obliged for demonstrating him wrong, he says to prisoners that i was taking stand for wrong individual till now, i wasn't right and all of you were correct, i wont give Mandana her pack back till my captaincy closes, then lets see on saturday, Mandana expresses profound gratitude.

[Day 79] Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-79 Watch live On Colors tv Tasks on December 29th, 2015

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-79 29th December 2015 Online Video Download

bigg supervisor says to prisoners that in baazi undertaking, the triumphant sets were approached to end up contenders for captaincy or go to twofold inconvenience for selections, Mandana and Suyyash went for captaincy so their mates Kishwar and Priya will go stuck in an unfortunate situation room, Bigg manager says to Rishab and Rochelle that they didnt choose prior so now they ought to choose who will go in a bad position room, Rochelle says yes Mr. vain Rishab, you choose, Rishab says you choose, she says i wanna give you risk, Rishab says you go in, i ought to be offered opportunity to amend, Rochelle says bigg manager i will go, they go stuck in an unfortunate situation room. Bigg manager says you three will be give four alternatives, you need to pick one, they are?

On the off chance that one prisoner squeezes catch then she will be spared from designations and other two will be selected and the person who has squeezed catch will name one detainee from house.

on the off chance that two prisoners press catch then the third one will be selected and the person who squeezed catch will name one each.

On the off chance that three of them press catch then they will be spared and every single other prisoner will be named.

On the off chance that none of them presses the catch then entire house will named alongwith them.

prisoners sees this on Tv yet their choice is not appeared to them. Sovereign says three will them press the catch, Rishab says in the event that they pick third choice then it will be best, Mandana says they merit it as they have gone their in the wake of buckling down, Prince says Suyyash is chief so he has insusceptibility, Keith says Rochelle may not squeeze it.

Priya squeezes catch, then Priya squeezes it then Rochelle squeezes it.

they come in parlor, bigg supervisor says three of them squeezed catch so Kishwar, Rochelle and Priya are spared while every single other detainee are designated. Ruler, KEITH, MANDANA, NORA, RISHAB and SUYYASH are named, Suyyash says as chief i ought to get safety? he ask Bigg manager, Bigg supervisor doesnt answer him.

Bigg Boss 9 Episodes Full Video Available Here Watch Now Live Online on colors


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