Wednesday 30 December 2015

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-80 30th December 2015 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-80 30th December 2015 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-80 30th December 2015 Online Video Download

Mandana comes to Keith and says that when i was offered obligation to wash dishes, individuals whined that i dont wash dishes on time, today i saw cockroaches in dishes as they were not washed, Keith says Nora washed dishes yesterday but rather we ate sustenance around evening time once more, there were dishes unwashed, she didnt rest and woke up ahead of schedule morning so she asked for me that in the event that she can wash utensils in morning so i permitted her as i didnt need to make any issue, Mandana says if that was thing then you could have asked me, i would have washed it.

Kishwar tells Rochelle and Suyyash that mandana is griping about not washing utensils, Rochelle says she doesnt do her work, she simply need to battle, Suyyash says she didnt do anything in undertaking.

Mandana says to Rishab that whatever isn't right, i will call attention to out, Rishab says when i didnt wash dishes, they made issue, Gizele says larger part is power here.

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Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-80 30th December 2015 Online Video download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-80 30th December 2015 Online Video Download

Rishab teases Priya that she ought to be given title of guideline breaker, Priya says you ought to be given title of arrogant, Rishab says your title begin with P, now get it, Priya says its your propensity to put down others to support your conscience, rishab says right, he leaves, Priya says i gt influenced by individuals' conduct with others and i didnt like what Rishab did in undertaking, he was putting me down, calling me shabby analyst, Keith says his injury of you taking his protein shake hasnt satisfied,

Sovereign says he had no confirmation that i slaughtered everybody in undertaking.

Gizele says to Mandana that they are crafty, what is cool about them? they are not cool, Rochelle takes 2hours for make up still she doesnt look decent, she doesnt have eyebrows.

Keith's captaincy has finished, Rishab and Prince will play errand to wind up skipper. They will need to shape group including young ladies, young ladies will need to hold inflatables close by means of string and they cannot twisted hand. Sovereign picks Priya, Nora and Rochelle. Rishab picks Kishwar, Gizele and Mandana. the group which will continue holding inflatable till end will get to be chief, Keith will be mediator of errand.

Ruler request that Kishwar leave string soon, she says this is conning, Prince says as much what, everything is reasonable.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-80 30th December 2015 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-80 30th December 2015 Online Video Download

Kishwar is holding inflatable, Prince says to her that you know our connection has developed, you know who will change and who will stay with you till end, Suyyash is your future spouse however i am your sibling as of now, you have to bolster me, Rochelle says yet fans will perceive how Kishwar performed in errand, Suyyash says no its in regards to whom she is supporting, Kishwar says sorry Rishab i cannot say no to Prince, she leaves expand and surrender undertaking, Prince embraces her and says thanks to her, gizele says to rishab that you ought to have chosen Priya.

Priya says to Prince that i am doing undertaking as i do all errands furthermore i will have the capacity to take revenge from you as i will soften rules up his captaincy as he did in mine, Rishab says then you wont conflicting with Prince yet against bigg manager, Priya says to Rishab that discussion in regards to yourself not Prince, Rishab says on the off chance that you are making him in draw of assignment then caps off to you, Priya says i would played sameway in the event that you had picked me in your group, you know i play undertakings well so dont say that i am making him win.

Kishwar feels terrible, suyyash says in the event that you surmise that Rishab picked you as you will finish assignment for him then dont feel awful, Kishwar says if Rishab had picked Priya in his group then errand would have been troublesome.

Rishab says to Priya that you continued saying you are against Prince however now you are supporting him, Priya says he has picked me so i require play for him, i would have played same for you. Sovereign says to Mandana that i am dependably with you, i remained for you when all were against you, you can leave inflatable for me, Mandana says dont even attempt on me, i wont abandon it for you, Suyyash its pointless to converse with her.

Keith says to Gizele that you are twisting your hand, Gizele says Rochelle is bowing as well.

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Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-80 30th December 2015 Online Video Download

Kishwar is holding inflatable, Prince says to her that you know our connection has developed, you know who will change and who will stay with you till end, Suyyash is your future spouse however i am your sibling as of now, you have to bolster me, Rochelle says yet fans will perceive how Kishwar performed in errand, Suyyash says no its in regards to whom she is supporting, Kishwar says sorry Rishab i cannot say no to Prince, she leaves expand and surrender undertaking, Prince embraces her and says thanks to her, gizele says to rishab that you ought to have chosen Priya.

Priya says to Prince that i am doing undertaking as i do all errands furthermore i will have the capacity to take revenge from you as i will soften rules up his captaincy as he did in mine, Rishab says then you wont conflicting with Prince yet against bigg manager, Priya says to Rishab that discussion in regards to yourself not Prince, Rishab says on the off chance that you are making him in draw of assignment then caps off to you, Priya says i would played sameway in the event that you had picked me in your group, you know i play undertakings well so dont say that i am making him win.

Kishwar feels terrible, suyyash says in the event that you surmise that Rishab picked you as you will finish assignment for him then dont feel awful, Kishwar says if Rishab had picked Priya in his group then errand would have been troublesome.

Rishab says to Priya that you continued saying you are against Prince however now you are supporting him, Priya says he has picked me so i require play for him, i would have played same for you. Sovereign says to Mandana that i am dependably with you, i remained for you when all were against you, you can leave inflatable for me, Mandana says dont even attempt on me, i wont abandon it for you, Suyyash its pointless to converse with her.

Keith says to Gizele that you are twisting your hand, Gizele says Rochelle is bowing as well.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-80 30th December 2015 Online Video Download

Keith says dont show me, it wasnt her deficiency, Rochelle says yet she took support from Rishab, Keith doesnt hear her out.

Keith says to Gizele that i saw your hand bowed, Gizele says i didnt twist, you are getting impacted by them, you are getting fractional, Keith says id i was halfway then i wouldnt have bolstered you before, Gizele leaves assignment and cries, she says there is so much inclination, Mandana says well done cool gathering, you won, Gizele says they are so incomplete, nobody arrives to remain against them, Rochelle bowed her hand such a large number of times, Mandana supports Gizele, Gizele says Rochelle was inciting Keith, i simply bowed my head not my hand and he precluded me, Keith says i excluded Priya on this as well, Gizele says you did wrong and Karma will hit you back, dont stress.

Mandana says to Gizele that now you comprehend that they are not reasonable, Mandana says Keith didnt utilize his brain, he is hireling of cool gathering.

Priya says to Keith that as arbitrator you are reasonable, at first moment you took Gizele's side when Rishab twisted her hand however you didnt took her side in second moment.

Rishab comes to Gizele and says dont feel awful in regards to me, it wasnt your assignment, i have no issue, when you undertaking will come then take revenge from them, Gizele cries and says they grabbed my inflatable, Rishab says you are not 5year old child that crying fro inflatable, Mandana says you know these individuals, they are terrible individuals.

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Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-80 30th December 2015 Online Video Download

Keith says dont show me, it wasnt her deficiency, Rochelle says yet she took support from Rishab, Keith doesnt hear her out.

Keith says to Gizele that i saw your hand bowed, Gizele says i didnt twist, you are getting impacted by them, you are getting fractional, Keith says id i was halfway then i wouldnt have bolstered you before, Gizele leaves assignment and cries, she says there is so much inclination, Mandana says well done cool gathering, you won, Gizele says they are so incomplete, nobody arrives to remain against them, Rochelle bowed her hand such a large number of times, Mandana supports Gizele, Gizele says Rochelle was inciting Keith, i simply bowed my head not my hand and he precluded me, Keith says i excluded Priya on this as well, Gizele says you did wrong and Karma will hit you back, dont stress.

Mandana says to Gizele that now you comprehend that they are not reasonable, Mandana says Keith didnt utilize his brain, he is hireling of cool gathering.

Priya says to Keith that as arbitrator you are reasonable, at first moment you took Gizele's side when Rishab twisted her hand however you didnt took her side in second moment.

Rishab comes to Gizele and says dont feel awful in regards to me, it wasnt your assignment, i have no issue, when you undertaking will come then take revenge from them, Gizele cries and says they grabbed my inflatable, Rishab says you are not 5year old child that crying fro inflatable, Mandana says you know these individuals, they are terrible individuals.

[Day 79] Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-80 Watch live On Colors tv Tasks on December 30th, 2015

prisoners come in greenhouse and sees SRK and Salman's blurb, Priya says spouse is insufficient, i need them as well, all are eager to see them meeting up on weekend, suyyash says i am getting goosebumps as of now, Keith says it will be stunning, they all bring selfie with Salman and SRK's notice, Mandana and Rishab leaves from that point. suyyash says for first time they will meet up.

Priya comes Rishab and says i have to peruse directions so call your gathering, Rishab says i will bring my gathering however you bring your gathering, Priya says i didnt do assignment to wind up a portion of that gathering, Rishab says you needed to enter in that gathering, Priya says i know i am slightest in their gathering, they will yield me to start with, i converse with Mandana and Gizele yet its you who avoid me from this gathering, Rishab says i have seen your method for playing diversion, i am swearing on my guardians that i was going to leave inflatable to give back your support, when Keith said that i have twisted my hand so i didnt oppose and surrendered, i was not surrendering for you but rather to give back your support, Rishab says which support? Priya says i was not leaving inflatable for you, dont let me know that i need to be a piece of cool gathering.

Kishwar and suyyash are kissing one another's cheek, Rochelle comes inbetween, they kiss her, Keith jokes that they are getting physical. Priya comes there and says Rishab insulted me that i am bringing my gathering, you bring your gathering, on the off chance that i needed to be a piece of your gathering then i wouldnt have advised Mandana that i am prepared to leave inflatables, Kishwar says as much you dont need to be a piece of gathering? Priya says i dont need to be a piece of any gathering.

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