Saturday 2 January 2016

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-83 Day 2nd January 2016 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-83 Day 2nd January 2016 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-83 Day 2nd January 2016 Online Video Download

Bigg supervisor says to prisoners this season is in last stage, you are living in house for 12weeks so you should know shortcoming and quality of one another furthermore you are told viewers observation so you should have unpleasant thought why should going win this season so Bigg manager wanna know whom you believe is victor of this season. Sovereign says i feel i am going to win, i have performed well in undertakings, i have made relations and solid one, Nora says i think Prince going to win as he has fan taking after and has focuses legitimate, Rishab says i feel i am going to win. Priya says i feel Keith going to win as he is pleasant human which is should have been be champ, Kishwar says i feel i going to win as i have developed in 12weeks, i have turned out to be better from starting so i think i have qualities to win, Suyyash says i can win yet for all intents and purposes Kishwar have brilliant chance, Keith says i feel this season is for young ladies, i feel Rochelle's weakness and energy to demonstrate her point is hitting harmonies with gathering of people, not bring about she is my sweetheart but rather i feel she going to win, Mandana says for me victor is Keith, he got greatest stun of life in center of appear however he returned and proceeded with, he is so solid and i am amazed, Rochelle says i dont think Keith ever faked anything, he is exceptionally decent human that i at some point feel why you are pleasant to others, Priya says its his methodology, Rochelle says he is truly like that, Bigg supervisor ask prisoners who they think should win? all say Keith, bigg manager calls Kishwar in admission room and gives her guidelines. we have also mentioned about Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-82 Day 1st January 2016 Online Video download.

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Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-83 Day 2nd January 2016 Online Video download

Bigg Boss declares a Season Nomination errand where the housemates need to pass a 'Season Nomination' trophy at the sound of a gong. Once the gong rings, they need to pass it on to some other hopeful they accept is either their opposition or not a piece of the alliance. They will have just two minutes to do as such and will likewise need to express a reason. At the point when Bigg Boss will end of the errand, as of right now, whoever is holding the trophy, will be named for whatever is left of the season, undertaking will continue for 6hours. nobody can deny to take trophy, they need to take trophy introduced to them. Since Keith is voted the victor of the house as per the housemates, he begins the diversion. Keith goes in store room and brings out assignment trophy, Rochelle says purpose of this errand is who you believe are rivalries ought to be given trophy, she teases Prince that you said diversion is distinctive and companionship is distinctive.

Kishwar says to Suyyash that we were requested that pick who we believe are victors with the goal that we can know our rivalries and group of onlookers can vote solid contenders as well.

Gong plays, Keith says i wanna offer trophy to Nora as i wanna make her vibe weight of amusement, he ask her to not feel awful but rather he needs her to feel weight of diversion.

Suyyash says to Kishwar that Keith is same from begin, Kishwar says he doesnt have stand.

Rochelle says to Nora that Prince is not assigned much in weeks so i need you to offer trophy to him so he feels weight as well.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-83 Day 2nd January 2016 Online Video Download

Sovereign comes to Kishwar and Suyyash and lets them know that Keith offered trophy to Nora and Rochelle is requesting that Nora offer trophy to me so i feel weight of diversion, Kishwar says she cannot say plainly that we arrive rivalries.

Rochelle says to Rishab that i am going to be focus in this house, Rishab says i dont think along these lines, Rochelle says each week i or Suyyash are in threat zone so they would need to name me for entire season.

Sovereign says to Kishwar that Keith s decent individual however his vicinity doesnt matter much as when he was not in house, things didnt change much.

gong rings, Nora offers trophy to Mandana and says you dont have shades other than battling, you dont have whatever other thing to offer, Mandana says i dont concur however at any rate, she says you believe that i am in this house after such a large number of assignments? at that point by what method would you be able to say this? Nora says your picture is that you are contender, you are crafty and witch thats all, as viewer i dont need to see that, Mandana says Mandana says you are in wrong demonstrate, this is Bigg manager not saas-bahu adventure. Nora says you are in wrong appear with your considerations, Mandana says i dont think so.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-83 Day 2nd January 2016 Online Video Download

Watch Live online Bigg Boss 9 Full Episodes Day-83 2 January 2016 double trouble

Gong rings, Mandana tries to offer trophy to Nora, Priya request that Mandana offer it to her, Kishwar says to Mandana that you cannot provide for Nora once more, Mandana offers it to Suyyash and says i need you to feel weight of designations and begin working all the more hard in diversion, Suyyash says whats the purpose of giving this trophy to individual who is assigned in each other week? Mandana says even i get selected however i simply need you to comprehend things, Suyyash embraces her and acknowledges trophy, Kishwar says you both are made for one another as you get named together as well.

Kishwar says Nora's purpose behind offering trophy to Mandana was correct, Prince says when she didnt battle in one week then Salman said that she has gotten to be dull. Ruler says to Rishab this errand doesnt matter much as there are 2, 3 weeks remaining and group of onlookers will spare us.


Ruler says to Rochelle that you are giving incorrectly reasons that i was not assigned entire season so they ought to select me, its your deficiency that you didnt designate me, Rochelle says i am trying to say that we didnt name you so we ought to do now, Kishwar says things have changed since yesterday, Rochelle says to Prince that what you did a day ago was correct? Sovereign says it was errand and i did it reasonably, on the off chance that you had given me legitimate focuses then i would have considered something else, Rochelle says you are thinking in regards to yourself just, when you won undertaking, you didnt consider me being harmed however was harmed that i didnt praise you, Prince says there was no compelling reason to feel hurt, Priya says,,

Sovereign says like you know Keith will remain adjacent to you, Kishwar and Suyyash will remain close to me. ,,

Sovereign says you could have recently said that i am your opposition thats it, Rochelle says i said it, simply listen what you are stating, Prince says when did i say you are incorrect? Rochelle says you are not attempting to comprehend me, Prince says you are getting hyper for reasons unknown, Rochelle gets furious and leaves from that point.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-83 Day 2nd January 2016 Online Video Download

[Day 83] Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-83 Watch live On Colors tv Tasks on January 2nd,2016

Rochelle says to Keith that i asked you something, Keith says what you wanna tune in? you needed to select me, you were requesting that Priya offer trophy to me, he says i am going to smoking room, come there i will clarify, Rochelle says i am not running with you, Mandana says she is not going to come, take off alone, Keith says to Rochelle that your inquiry was whom to name? Keith says if all are solid contenders then you need to see who is your opposition, Priya tries to say something, Rochelle gets irate and says i am attempting to talk however you are not listening to me, she leaves, Keith is befuddled.

Rochelle comes to Prince and Nora that i was attempting to converse with Keith however Priya was replying rather than him, Keith goes to her and says when there are individuals in house so they will get included in talk, Rochelle says yet i need to converse with you, Keith says you have gone frantic infant, he says i am staying here, say what you need, she says i dont wanna talk now, i am disappointed, Keith says i am definitely not.

gong plays, Kishwar offers trophy to Prince and says we got to be sister and sibling and i didnt realize what is going to happen in diversion yet certainly you are my opposition, Prince says thanks to her and says i generally felt that the day you will name me, i will get to be victor then for beyond any doubt so much obliged.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-83 Day 2nd January 2016 Online Video Download

Selfie undertaking is propelled and all housemates need to give Keith name of a relative or companion they might want to converse with outside the house and have persuade him with the most grounded reason. They then will bring a selfie with Keith. Keith is required to judge them on reasonable grounds and declare the name of the hopeful who merits it to converse with their friends and family. Kishwar says i pick Mandana for this, as per errand, Keith will see selfies and choose whom he needs to give the open door.

Keith comes in patio nursery, candidates comes to him one by one, Kishwar say to Keith that i generally call my mother when i am out with Suyyash so i would need to converse with her, she gets enthusiastic, she clicks selfie with Keith and says i abhor passionate minutes.

Nora comes Keith and says i dont live with my family so my mom is not ready to see me so i would need to converse with her, she brings selfie with him. Kishwar says to Mandana that utilization this open door pleasantly, Mandana says i dont realize what to say, Rishab and others propose to say anything other than from heart. Mandana comes to Keith and says my family and beau couldnt come in christmas days and it was difficult to me to manage those days so i would need to converse with them. she clicks selfie with Keith

Bigg Boss 9 Episodes Full Video Available Here Watch Now Live Online on colors


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