Sunday 3 January 2016

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-84 Day 3rd January 2016 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-84 Day 3rd January 2016 Online Video Download

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-84 Day 3rd January 2016 Online Video Download

Salman says PRINCE, NORA, RISHAB, KEITH, MANDANA and SUYYASH are designated. Salman says there will be twofold removal this week, we won't let them know, they will continue feeling that we will oust one however one more will be expelled. He says detainees sit tight for weekend imagining that i am some equity lord. He interfaces video call to house, Salman says request, request like judge, he sings Happy new year for detainees, everybody applauds, Salman says you individuals say that saturday Justice Salman will come and give you equity, all giggle, Salman says 6people are assigned, we will advise later why should going be removed, he says you sit tight for saturday to choose what isn't right and what is correct, you dont have cerebrum to choose it? anything ethically erroneous isn't right thats it, you more likely than not arranged rundown to talk about today, he ask whats first point? Kishwar says Priya-Mandana's battle, Salman ask Mandana for what reason you feel that you need to answer me just on saturday? furthermore, not prisoners? you feel they are substandard compared to you? Mandana says i said that in the event that i did viciousness then Bigg supervisor will toss me out, i conversed with Bigg manager too about it, Salman says Bigg manager was celebrating new year, he came in my birthday as well, all chuckle, Salman inquire as to whether it was demonstration of hostility? Priya says it was demonstration of animosity, ,, we have also mentioned about Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-83 Day 2nd January 2016 Online Video download.

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Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-84 Day 3rd January 2016 Online Video download

she took cake and said i will toss all over, Salman says everybody tosses cake on birthday, Mandana snickers, Salman says its not entertaining, Priya says her state of mind was not right, i could have pulled her clasp as well, i dont need get to be similar to her, Salman says her wig could have turned out, you did well by not pulling her hairs, all chuckle. Salman ask Mandana to not contort things and answer him, Mandana says i needed to converse with Priya, all say she is lying, Mandana says they dont permit me to talk even, Salman says however you cannot get to be forceful, Mandana says Priya was bothering me from 2weeks and i have had enough of her and i got furious on her, Priya says in the event that i am irritating for 2weeks then you are irritating from begin of appear, i used to have a craving for breaking television when i used to see you on television, Mandana says thats your idea, Salman approach Mandana on the off chance that she does it for amusement? Mandana says no, Salman says then what was that? Mandana says, all things considered, i could stay away from somebody bothering me yet n house, Priya is tailing me all over, Salman says a little young lady disturbed you, Mandana says its account of elephant and rodent, Salman says i rememer Kishwar with Elephant, Kishwar inquire as to whether she has gotten to be fat? he says nobody can get to be fat in BB house, he inquire as to whether Mandana supposes she is not at risk to answer detainees? Kishwar says she generally say Salman will let them know on weekend, Suyyash says she said Salman will tell everybody on weekend, he will take class of everybody, Salman chuckles, Kishwar says she has placed you in issue, Priya says she doesn't listen to anybody, she places cotton in ears when anybody tries to clarify her, Salman says to Mandana that this mentality is not right, i mean it can work in Bigg supervisor house yet not in genuine, you go oeverboard in things, you cross the point of confinement which you shouldnt do it, on the off chance that they are not responding to you as you do then they are more intelligent than you, Mandana says i concur they have more persistence than me, Priya says its not in regards to tolerance, i likewise get furious, i cry however i dont hurt anybody, its ethically erroneous, Mandana says when Nora was crying, you are doing make up and smiling at her, is that your qualities? Priya says i was not grinning? they both contend, Salman says caps off to individuals listening their battles in house.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-84 Day 3rd January 2016 Online Video Download

Salman says to Keith that you made one arrangement in entire season that was fiasco as well, it was to keep away from Mandana, what happened to that arrangement? Keith says i felt awful for her later, Mandana's issue is that she doesnt comprehend anything, she is not seeing now as well, Mandana says i am understanding, Salman inquire as to whether she wasn't right? Mandana says i acknowledge that i did wrong, i was furious, Rochelle says when her pack was not given to her then she acknowledged that she did wrong, Salman says then its shrewd of her, Mandana says i have solo remain from begin which they dont like, Keith says Mandana is extremely brilliant, she curve things pleasantly, Salman says adroitness is exceptionally decent, crow is extremely savvy however he is not taken as pet, Salman says you ought to be keen yet you ought to be steadfast as well, in the event that you are not faithful then your quickness won't work, he says to Mandana that you utilize individuals astutely yet double-cross them later which is bad.

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Salman get some information about captaincy undertaking, he inquire as to whether chit thought was great? she says i dont think all in all, Salman says to Rochelle that have you ever listened anybody saying that i have not get to be leader once so make me this time or i didnt get hitched so make me wed? he approach if chits not taken out for captaincy assignment then who they would have picked as contenders for captaincy? Suyyash says Prince did truly well in assignment yet he tricked so i feel Rochelle and Kishwar were best in errand as Priya duped by putting oil on jewel as well, Salman ask Suyyash in which group he was in? Suyyash says i was manager of assignment, Salman says then your work is done, given me a chance to converse with colleagues, all giggle. Salman ask kishwar who she supposes gave best in undertaking? Kishwar says Prince offered 100% to assignment furthermore he was objective attendant outside criminals room, Salman says however he gave away 7diamonds so it was not his best execution, Priya had put oil on precious stones which worked for you and Kishwar caught Nora finally before she could take last jewel so i think Priya and Kishwar was best in errand, Salman ask Priya for what valid reason she is giving without end her odds? Priya says i needed this captaincy, prisoners began saying that i had put oil so it was deceiving then they said my tallness is less so i ought to handle correctional facility, Rochelle said it, Rochelle says i never talked in regards to stature, Priya says with every one of these things, i thought i was not that best, i didnt see it unbiasedly, all were pleasant in assignment furthermore i thought Rochelle would inspire opportunity to end up commander as she never got chance, Prince says it was Priya who requesting that I get to be objective attendant and she will handle correctional facility, Priya says i was seeking Mandana when Nora stole precious stone and i got her, Rochelle says it was Kishwar's thought, Priya sys it was my thought as well, Salman says it was Priya and Kishwar's thought to trap Nora, Salman says Kishwar and Priya you are so much indistinguishable, Kishwar says yet when i talk, blood doesnt leave your ears, Salman says it used to come before, now india listens in high tone furthermore hindi has broken as well, they snicker, he closes call, he says let me demonstrat to you what happened in house.

[Day 84] Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-84 Watch live On Colors tv Tasks on January 3rd, 2016

Cut plays, Rishab says to detainees that i touched precious stones, i felt there was oil in it however i didnt give it an idea, Nora says when you saw oil on jewels then why you didnt advise to other fellow team members? you dont think it was idiotic? he says no, Nora says we lost in light of you, Rishab says fine, Nora says this is not first time for you to do doltish things in errand, Nora remarks to Rishab that you cannot learn anything, Rishab says i have learned and have enhanced more than you and i know what you do outside, i mean confidentially, Nora says what you mean? Rishab says you said that i havent learned anything so i would need to see what you have done in life, Nora says it was your slip-up to not tell colleagues, Rishab says you are calling me zero? she says you are a zero, you did botch by not letting us know about oil, Rishab takes off.

Nora says to Prince that Rishab doesnt think about my life battle, in what manner would he be able to say that? Sovereign says he says slangs for young ladies so dont expect anything from him, dont battle, Nora goes to converse with Rishab.

Nora comes to Rishab and says in what manner would you be able to say things in regards to me? you dont know the amount i battle in world, why you are discussing it? Rishab says you began it, why did you remark about me? Priya says to Rishab that you shouldnt remark about her life, Nora yells on Rishab that what i do outside is not your issue to worry about, dont insult me about that, Rishab says you began to pass individual remarks so i got individual as well, Nora says i didnt pass any individual remark, you dont have right to remark about my move, Rishab says even you dont have right to remark on me, next time on the off chance that you say to me that i don't do anything and i am zero and so forth then i will demonstrat to you reflect, Nora says dont remark in regards to my life cause you dont know me, Rishab says i dont know and neither one of the is am occupied with knowing you, Nora says you wont comprehend my battle on the grounds that you dont have mind, you havent learnt anything in this house, she clears out.

Watch Bigg Boss 9 Full Episode-84 Day 3rd January 2016 Online Video Download

Rochelle says to Mandana that you said to Kishwar that i and Kishwar were not companions, we simply hung out? Mandana says i said you and Keith never acknowledged to be a piece of cool gathering, Rochelle says we acknowledged it infront of everybody, i let you know that we were in their gathering yet never got impacted by her, Mandana says in the event that you dont think you are not a portion of cool gathering? Rochelle says on the off chance that you think cool gathering is broken then its broken. Mandana says to Rochelle that you said Nora's battle with Rishab was cool gathering's idea, Rochelle says i didnt say it, i said that Nora and Rishab began battle then Nora conversed with Prince so i thought Prince requesting that her discussion to Rishab once more, Prince says i asked her to not battle, Rochelle says my point is that i saw you conversing with Prince so i thought he requesting that you battle with Rishab,

Mandana says you said cool gathering incited Nora not Prince alone, Rochelle says you likewise said that Nora is new Yuvika in house, whatever happened with Yuvika in designations, same is going on with Nora, she is responding and battling in light of the fact that she is assigned, Nora says i am similar to this not due to Nominations, Priya says to Nora that now you are understanding what individuals think here, Nora says to Mandana that you said i am changing conduct like Yuvika. Suyyash, Keith and Rishab are seeing young ladies battle, Suyyash ask Keith how is he feeling? he says there is nobody with the exception of us to listen in this house, ,,

Mandana comes in patio nursery and says in camera that i dont need to include in battles yet in the event that somebody needs to place me in badlight so i will attempt as well, i mean i won't attempt yet everybody thinks about Rochelle's twofold measures, cut finishes.

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